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Take On Me
Take On Me 接受我We%26#39;re talking awayI don%26#39;t know whatI%26#39;m to say I%26#39;ll say it anywayToday%26#39;s another day to find youShying awayI%26#39;ll be coming for your love, OK?Take on me, take me onI%26#39;ll be goneIn a day or twoSo, needless to sayI%26#39;m odds and endsBut that%26#39;s me stumbling awaySlowly learning that life is OK.Say after meIt%26#39;s no better to be safe than sorryTake on me, take me onI%26#39;ll be goneIn a day or twoOh, the things that you sayIs it live orJust to play my worries awayYou%26#39;re all the things I%26#39;ve got to rememberYou%26#39;re shying awayI%26#39;ll be coming for you anywayTake on me, take me onI%26#39;ll be goneIn a day(Pal Waaktaar/Mags/Morten Harket)===================================================
- Apr 27 Sat 2013 13:09
Take On Me