Does An Ostrich Really Bury Its Head In The Sand
摘取自[Tell Me About The World]McGraw Hill Children%26#39;s Publis 暖暖衣hing
The Ostrich is a large African bird. Myth has it that when it is scared, an ostrich hides its head
in the 保暖衣物 sand. If danger comes close, the ostrich can%26#39;t fly away, but it can run to escape.
However, this can be t 暖暖衣iring, so when an ostrich sees a threat at a distance, it sometimes lays on
the ground and stretches its head out 暖暖衣flat to make itself inconspicuous. It lies still until the
threat goes away. If its nest is threatened, the ostr 發熱衣ich will strike out with its powerful legs. It
also uses these as a last defense if it cannot run any farther.
MIT保暖衣 >
- Jan 28 Mon 2013 20:41
Does An Ostrich Really Bury Its Head In The Sand